JFT Nurseries are pleased to announce the release of a POTTED fruit tree range, meaning the quality you have come to expect from our bare rooted trees is now also in pots. Available all year round, our potted range is based on our new dwarfing varieties along with traditional favourites. Further information is available by contacting our friendly office staff.
JFT Nurseries, in association with Plantnet (a company formed to introduce new varieties for the home gardener), are striving to keep in touch with the changing demands in fruit varieties for the home garden.
Exciting things are now eventuating in Australia. The future is here with new dwarfing rootstocks for all stone fruits (Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches and Plums) and pome fruits (Apples and Pears). These rootstocks are sourced from all over the world and, unlike anything currently available, perform much better and produce better structured and smaller trees. This will enable home gardeners to grow most of their fruit in large containers on balconies and patios, or have mini orchards in their smaller backyards, making them easier to manage when spraying for pests and diseases and pruning will be more to shape rather than seasonal heavy pruning.
At present we have a range of TRUE DWARFING Fruit Trees available – Dwarf Almond, Dwarf Apples ‘Leprechaun’, ‘Pinkabelle’ and Monty’s Surprise and Super Dwarf Apples in a range of varieties, Dwarf Apricots, Dwarf Cherries, Dwarf Nectarines, Dwarf Peaches and Dwarf Plums.